Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It seems I'm having a good day EVERYDAY :-)

Well, well, well, what can I say, huahhhh, I AM HAPPY TODAY AND ONWARDS :-)

Myabe because, I'm over it , accepted it and starting to move on to the right way -------> to the right way of course........ I know what road should I take, I'm not confused, I can carry and face challenges in my life whatever it is, hahahaha, I know I can make. I should enjoy my life now or never.....

I know I have been blessed of a guardian angel since then. I can really feel it, it's my husband and the others. Why? I know for sure that my hubby wants me to be happy and not to suffer and just to cry always. He wants me to fight for myself and Vince.

I know in God's time , he will let me meet the right person to come into my life together with my son and we'll live happily ever after.

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