Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Letting Go Inspirations

The Romance Rev’s Soulful Love Reminders

"Many of us function as if we are only half complete. If we project the vibration of half of an individual, looking around for someone else to complete us, we attract an incomplete relationship. The resulting interaction with anyone attracted in this manner will usually come up short of what we ideally desire."~ Ken Page, from his Heart and Soul Healing Newsletter
Last month we talked about "taking on" a summer love consciousness and for many months we have explored ways to invite soulful love into our lives. My own beloved sent me the above quote from relationship expert Ken Page and it reminded me that while we "await" soulful lovers it is wise to do all we possibly can to get ready for love. You’ve heard these from me before! The following tips are just reminders of how to shape up for the love of your life.

DON'T HATE BEING SINGLE. Use times of longing and yearning for love to prepare for a new relationship. Assess the state of your life and begin to create the life you want to be leading – even if there is no one to share it with yet.

HEAL AND MOVE ON FROM THE PAST. Liberate yourself from obstacles that stand in the way of love by healing old heartaches, relationships and self-sabotaging relationship patterns. Now is the time to make decisions about letting go of any relationships that no longer serve you.

CLEAN UP YOUR LIFE. Start with a draw; don’t stop until you’ve removed physical clutter, junk, old memories and memorabilia from you environment. Acknowledge what’s out of place in your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially – and take action to put things into balance. Pay off debts, deal with old paperwork, and take full charge of your life. True love can’t hope to find you if your life is too cluttered.

EVOKE THE ENERGY OF LOVE. Write, visualize, pray, and express gratitude for love as if it is already in your life. Make collages of pictures of couples in love, make wish lists, write stories about the relationship you choose; use any creative tools you are comfortable with to ask for all the Divine help you can get! And daydream… spend your idle time just dreaming about the love your desire.

BECOME SOUL-MATE FRIENDLY. Make an effort to ditch old baggage, disempowering beliefs, neediness and worry that can block or disable your ability to discern true love – or even a good romantic opportunity – from inappropriate relationships that come in misleading packaging. If you take the time to enjoy single life, heal from past relationship mishaps and give thought to the love you really want, it will be much easier for your soulful lover to find you!

When you daydream about love... do you see what your soul mate looks like? Describe that person.

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