Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I skipped this entry last week, and now for flashback:

Thursday Jan 20 - I'm on halfday but went to wholeday leave because, I was scheduled for an exam in one of the biggest call centers, then was scheduled for a personal interview in the afternoon so I have no choice than to be on leave wholeday. My papers will be endorsed to the Recruiment Manager then shall call me this week.
That lunch time am with my bf, another client of mine called me up (Evan) to inform me that he has a position for me by March and if I can still wait for him :-) Well , for me it will be first come first job offer.
Of the same day at around 6:30 pm, a Telecoms company called me and set me for an interview at 10 am the next day :-)

Friday Jan 21 - I had to lie to my TL, I have an interview for the position of Billing Analyst, afterwhich, they will call me for the schedule of exam. Whewwww....... What a week that was...........

Now, it's already Tuesday and still no feedback from them. I guess, I need to have more applications to other companies so that I will have many options and choices to choose from.

I won't give up, there will be one company who will get my services :-)